Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Literature Review--Outline or Prewriting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Literature Review--Outline or Prewriting - Essay Example The internet has impacted on the learners through transforming a threshold concept that change view of learners thereby assistsing in integrating previously learned material with the threshold concept as portals. Once this has been traversed then it brings an insight into the mind of a learner how to think and act like a library practitioner within a discipline (Hope, Kajiwara, & Liu, 2001). There has been a shortage of librarians to teach classes as a result of ever growing student body in most institutions of higher learning as Hope, Kajiwara, and Liu (2001) explain. The internet has provided an alternative mean of providing information and instruction an exploration which has supplemented traditional classrooms. Internet has enabled the use of a management system which inform students about resources and search techniques by creating a module which consist of films and documents about the library. According to Hope, Kajiwara, and Liu (2001), the use of internet on information literacy has made it possible for increased enrollment of international students in colleges and universities. The barriers of transitioning to a new environment to a new environment have been solved by the academic institution to provide resources and services just as a library for information seekers through the

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